Sunday, 31 March 2013

they are just a bunch of losers.

Hi.. :)

it is so cool to be here today after a loooooonnnngggggg rest from blogging. hehe. Actually, i really miss my blog. Abah has 'grounded' me from cyber-world-so-called. guess so :D

Mid-sem holiday has passed few days ago. eh? yesterday. boooo.. B)
bila naik sekolah je harini, people really make me feel pissed off. i noticed, people changed. yes, everything changed. and it really really made me felt pissed off! if you guys were in my shoes, is that cool making fun of people? making fun of people's physical? i was like.. heh? cool huh? what the heck you're thinking!?

benci gila bila orang cuba nak memperkotak-katikkan orang lain. best sangat ke? errr? they are actually just a bunch of jerks and kind of losers. yeah, i mean it. i really mean it.

so not in the mood right now to blogging. pissed off!


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